
A little bit of everything

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Thursday, November 04, 2004
So, life sucks. Or, rather, school sucks. Life is going quite nicely.

Looks like I may have to follow-up on my threat/promise to leave the country, given the results of the election.... We'll see how the next 8 months or so go (till I theoretically graduate).

I voted. Did you?

So....school. I've got an electronics class this term. An upper division Electrical Engineering electronics course. I am not an electrical engineer. I am not very good at electronics. This class is kicking my butt. I'm just hoping I can pass it, so I am permitted to graduate in June. Of course, I may decide to take some more undergraduate classes to round out my education, but I'd like to have the option to graduate in June.

Life, other than school, is going well. I'm working for the Northwest Science Expo, the state science fair for Oregon and southwestern Washington. I'm having fun with the job. It's interesting, creative, and I'm learning Access.

My friend Michelle and I have been spending time together, partially keeping each other on track for homework and such, partially just hanging out, and partially working on stuff around her house, like cleaning the garage and rewiring her bedroom.

My boyfriend and I spend as many weekends together as our mutually busy schedules allow, and we're coming up on our two/four/six year anniversary. All in all, we're happy, and the distance keeps us from wanting to kill each other.

I'm acting as Kingdom Chatelaine (newcomers information and assistance) for the Kingdom of An Tir, a part of the Society for Creative Anachronisms, Inc.. I'm enjoying the position immensely, even with all the paperwork the job entails.

I'm working with a career counsellor at school, looking at what in the world I'm going to do when I'm finally not an undergraduate. Some possibilities include various graduate programs in Physics (education, optics, acoustics) and Mechanical Engineering (fluids and thermodynamics), NASA, and maybe Boeing. I'm also keeping my options open, so if you know of anyone who's hiring Physicists with bachelors degrees, let me know!!

So, send good electronics thoughts my way.

Lady Kat