Wow. I didn't realize how long it's been since I've posted here.
So. The sewing got done, the end was in sight, and the lady was pleased with her garb. Happy ending.
The feis was danced, I got 4th place in my Slip Jig, 5th place in my Single Jig, and 4th place in the Reel Trophy. For a first feis, that isn't half bad!! Not high enough that I have to worry about moving up in levels, and not so badly that I get discouraged.
So dance classes have started again. I hurt. I was bad and didn't do a lot of practicing this summer, so my leg muscles are not in good shape, and my shin-splints are acting up again. Pain sucks.
My friend Jay has moved in with me for a while, along with her four kitties. While I like having the five of them around, it's pretty stressful for all of us, since she's out of work, and I'm not used to sharing my space.
School starts Monday, and I'm all registered for fall classes at Portland State University. I've got sixteen credits of Physics classes this term, which is more than I wanted to take in a single subject, but half of them aren't offered but every two years, and the others are prerequisites for classes I need to take later this year. So, I get to deal. The good news is that, once I finish fall term, I'll be a SENIOR!!! Having spent 72 months as a sophomore in college, it's nice to be a Junior, but it'll be nicer to finally get to be a Senior.
My SCA life has been on hold, due to lack of money and lack of transportation. I got to go to 12th Night back in January, and then to Coronation in July. I might get to go to a couple of local things in the coming months, but no guarantees. It sucks. I was on a good track for awards and recognition, and since I've been scarcely around, I've dropped from people's vision. Ah, well. Maybe next year things will get better.
My honey is still at Umatilla, and I'm still seeing him about once a month, which isn't nearly as much as I'd like, but such is life when you are (or someone you love is) in the National Guard and get activated. He'd rather be overseas, doing something interesting and worthwhile, but I'm just as glad he stayed stateside, so I know he's safe, and I get to see him occasionally.
*ponders* What else is there....
Oh, yes. I had a party. For Fall Equinox. Had about a dozen people over, and we did a BBQ with burgers and random potluck dishes. It was nice, and I'm thinking of making it quarterly. For sure, I'll do something this Spring, since we're expecting that my love will be deactivated by the Spring Equinox, and what better reason for a party than his homecoming?
I'm sure there's more, but my tendonitis is acting up, so I have to stop typing. If you're very good (or very bad), I'll type more later.
posted by Katherine at 11:33 PM