
A little bit of everything

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Thursday, May 22, 2003
*yawns* Five hours of sewing so far today, and the end is not yet in sight. Two dresses done, one cut but not yet sewn, and three not even ready to cut. The kicker? They need to be out of my posession and to the person to whom they belong in less than 12 hours. I've had the fabric for nearly two months, but didn't even lay out the first dress until midday yesterday.

Dance is going well, but I'm starting to get really nervous about feis. It's only two weeks away, I still haven't gotten my hard shoes, and I've never competed in anything non-academic before. My instructor seems to think I'll do fine, but that doesn't stop the nerves, especially since I've never been to a feis before, so I've only got second-hand information to go by. I am registered, for reel, slip jig, single jig, light jig, and treble jig. I haven't gotten my steps for the hornpipe, nor have I learned a traditional set, so I can't enter those. Maybe I'll have them for the feis in October, we'll see.

All I need to do is get through the next sixteen hours or so, then life gets a whole bunch easier, and my boyfriend comes to visit me (he's finally got a longish pass from the National Guard). I'd start counting the hours (or even the minutes), but that would just be depressing.